Indian Classical Dances The Healing Power Book Launch at IGNCA

*Indian Classical Dance should be included in school curriculum: Dr. Basanti Ramachandran*
22nd May, New Delhi: An unique book, ‘Indian Classical Dances: The Healing Power’, was launched at the Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (IGNCA) at Samvet auditorium. The launch was conducted by eminent dance critic Ms. Leela Venkataraman, retired Additional Medical Superintendent of Kalawati Bal Hospital, Dr. Vasanti Ramachandran, renowned Indian classical dancer Moumala Nayak, and Prof. Ramesh Chandra Gaur, Dean (Administration) and HoD Kala Nidhi Division. The author, a renowned Bharatanatyam dancer, guru, and choreographer, Mrs. Kanaka Sudhakar, was present at the event. Following the launch, a discussion session took place, where the author and her associates, Aparajita and Anjali Munjal, demonstrated the healing properties of dance described in the book through a performance.
Author Kanaka Sudhakar explained that dance incorporates breathing techniques to enhance lung and heart capacity. Various dance postures improve muscle and nervous system abilities. Dance steps also function as acupressure. She highlighted the importance of brain health for overall body health, emphasizing how dance’s expressive aspect aids in maintaining it. Dance includes yoga, asanas, and karanas, which are highly beneficial for overall health.
Introducing the book, renowned Kathak dancer Moumala Nayak stated that the author bases the explanation of dance’s healing powers on Bharatanatyam’s grammar, while also considering other classical dance forms. She briefly outlined the subject matter of each chapter. Dr. Vasanti Ramachandran emphasized the uniqueness of the book, stressing the importance of dance. She advocated for encouraging children to learn dance, suggesting its inclusion in school curriculums. Dr. Ramachandran highlighted how dance empowers the mind, aids in handling pressure, and relieves stress, emphasizing its benefits at any age.  Renowned dance critic Ms. Leela Venkatraman, through some examples, explained that dance enables the brain to absorb shocks and face challenges. She also advised that dance gurus should teach their disciples the steps which help in keeping the body balanced.
Prof. Ramesh Chandra Gaur appreciated and congratulated author Kanak Sudhakar for this unique book. Prof. Gaur said that this was a unique program and stated that there are various types of healing practices which take place in tribal communities. He further emphasized the need to highlight and encourage such community practices. Prof. Gaur concluded with an advice to the author that this book should be brought in the form of a video book. At the end of the program, Gopal of the Kala Nidhi Division extended a formal vote of thanks to the guests and visitors.

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