MOU signed between Sansad TV and IGNCA

New Delhi, 13th June 2024

To make Indian art and culture more accessible to the people, an important agreement has been signed between the Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (IGNCA) and Sansad TV.

Under this, programmes produced by IGNCA will be telecast on Sansad TV and Sansad TV will also be able to use the content from IGNCA’s cultural archives.

The MoU was signed by Member Secretary, Dr. Sachchidanand Joshi on behalf of IGNCA and Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Rajat Punhani on behalf of Sansad TV. On this occasion, Director of IGNCA Dr. Priyanka Mishra, HoDs of all divisions of IGNCA and Joint Secretary (Administration) of Sansad TV Mr. Sumant Narayan and Editor Mr. Shyam Kishore Sahay were also present.

This information was given by Mr. Anurag Punetha, Controller, Media Centre, IGNCA.
On this occasion, Dr. Sachchidanand Joshi said, it is a matter of great happiness that this agreement has been reached between Sansad TV and IGNCA. Through this, we can do many collaborative programs. We all know that any collection, any art, needs widespread dissemination. The way Sansad TV is disseminated, the kinds of people watch it, we believe that the glorious heritage of IGNCA, the heritage of art and culture, will get wide publicity through Sansad TV.
Sansad TV CEO Mr. Rajit Punhani expressed his happiness over this agreement and said, under this agreement, we will show IGNCA’s programs on Sansad TV and we will also use IGNCA’s archive. Shri Sumant Narayan said, this agreement between the two organizations is very important. This agreement is a very good initiative in the direction of how we can showcase the cultural heritage as much as possible. This will go a long way.

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